Adverb Clause of Supposition or Concession

ग्राह्यतादर्शक क्रियाविशेषणात्मक गौणवाक्य

नियम १

Adverb Clause of Result (अॅड्व्हर्ब क्लॉज् ऑफ् रिझल्ट) किंवा Adverb Clause of Consequence (अॅड्व्हर्ब क्लॉज् ऑफ् कॉन्सिक्वेन्स) ची रचना जेव्हा एखाद्या वाक्यामध्ये वापरलेली असते, तेव्हा ते वाक्य नेहमी Complex Sentence चे समजले जाते.

नियम २

Adverb Clause of Result / Consequence मधील Subordinating Clause ची सुरूवात नेहमी that या Subordinating Conjunction ने केलेली असते.

Adverb Clause of Result / Consequence मध्ये that चा अर्थ परिणामी किंवा ..मुळे असा करण्यात येतो.

नियम ३

that चा Subordinating Clause

जेव्हा वाक्यातील Subordinating Clause ची सुरुवात that या Subordinating Conjunction ने केलेली असते आणि Main Clause मध्ये so किंवा such यांपैकी एखादे Adverb वापरलेले असते, तेव्हा असा Subordinating Clause नेहमी Adverb Clause of Result / Consequence असतो.

For Example (उदाहरणार्थ)

Ex. 1
  • They fought so bravely that the enemy was totally defeated.
  • Main Clause :
    They fought so bravely
  • Subordinate Clause :
    that the enemy was totally defeated
  • Adverb clause of result or consequence modifying the verb fought in the Main Clause.
Ex. 2
  • He is so good a man that all respect him.
  • Main Clause :
    He is so good a man
  • Subordinate Clause :
    that all respect him
  • Adverb clause of result or consequence modifying the verb respect in the Main Clause.
Ex. 3
  • My father built a new house in such a way that it would last at least for a hundred years.
  • Main Clause :
    My father built a new house in such a way
  • Subordinate Clause :
    that it would last at least for a hundred years
  • Adverb clause of result or consequence modifying the verb built in the Main Clause.
Ex. 4
  • He spoke in such a voice that few could hear him.
  • Main Clause :
    He spoke in such a voice
  • Subordinate Clause :
    that few could hear him
  • Adverb clause of result or consequence modifying the verb spoke in the Main Clause.

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